Oh the mock humility Dean! At the insufficient awe I showed for the illustriousness of your campaign group. Sorry, I’m actually more interested in people who need to use that Clifford Street exit to get to work, transport kids, or attend to stuff in Byron Bay. I know of no ex-mayors among these, founders of golf clubs, nor doyens of local business.
It’s ‘prickly’ evidently, to call out the pretension inherent in declarations of what’s ‘not the way of the bay’ – no further explanation needed nor consequences examined! How precious!
I would have thought concern for community wellbeing and safety is more of a ‘Byron way’.
More important than a totally mystifying horror for a traffic safety feature. No equivalence here with fast food outlets and height restrictions – issues we’ve all fought for.
Remember that SAFETY is ALL you care about. What’s really unsafe is leaving the intersection as is and mentions of ‘five-year waits’ are totally delusional – despite the eminence of the agitators.
I fear that, mission accomplished, your group will be too busy being eminent to last the battle, abandoning us to another thirty years of that intersection. And we’re not ‘The Bay’ we’re just ‘Suffering Park’!