While the federal election is yet to be called, it mustn’t be far off, with Labor MP Justine Elliot launching her campaign last Saturday at the Ocean Shores Country Club.
Greens candidate, Mandy Nolan, says her campaign launch will be on February 5 at the Brunswick Heads Bowling Club from 6pm.
Presumptive Nationals candidate, Kimberly Hone, is yet to announce her candidacy, and there will likely be minor party and independent candidates nominating.
Federal Labor treasurer, Jim Chalmers, and former world boxing champion, Jeff Horn, launched Mrs Elliot’s campaign.
Mrs Elliot said, ‘I am asking for your vote at the 2025 federal election to keep delivering for our community’.
‘This election is a clear choice – a choice between building Australia’s future with the Albanese Labor government or taking Australia backwards with Peter Dutton and the Liberals and Nationals.
‘Before running for Parliament, I served as a frontline police officer working to protect the community. Now, as your local MP, my priority is working with our community to get things done – and together we have secured more than $3 billion in funding for our region,’ Mrs Elliot said.
Tight contest
The tight contest between incumbent Justine Elliot and Mandy Nolan in 2022 saw Mrs Elliot’s margin narrow, but she retained with 58.23 per cent of the vote, after Greens preferences flowed to her from Ms Nolan.
Nationals candidate, Kimberly Hone received 41.77 per cent of the vote after the two candidate preferred (TCP) vote was tallied. Ms Nolan received more votes than Ms Hone, with 25,216 and 23,299 respectively at the first preference count. Mrs Elliot received 28,733 votes.
Ms Nolan says, ‘After the summer break, I’m hitting the ground running – because what we do in the next few months has the chance to make history. In 2022, we were so close and this year we’re just 1.8 per cent away from winning’.
‘To kick us off into election action, we’re gathering in Brunswick Heads for a special community screening of See Mandy Run – the documentary that captured our 2022 campaign.
A clear choice to me – give this government a second term to keep up the transformation of Australia and globally into the future, hopefully less hindered by the disruptive, obstructive and divisive Greens.
Another term of albo will take us back 100 years
I assume you’d rather a ☢️ future?
I live off grid, so it doesn’t bother me so much.
but the realities are that australia can not run on renewables.
Yes I would be in favour of nuclear. Makes total sense.
I might be persuaded to be if we had some real costings to look at and if it was all likely to happen some time soon.
At present we need a transition fuel and that’s acknowledged – thought not by the Greens. In the meantime, the more our energy consumption can be supplied by renewables the cheaper it is for consumers and better for the planet.
You live off grid? So renewables are doing the trick for you- or do you have a diesel generator?
Is that a recent photo Mandy? What a good sort!
Jaffrey, looks can be deceiving.
Mandy, more about ego( run Mandy run) than actually presenting reasonable policies. I thought she launched her campaign years ago as she keeps cropping up as the never ending greens political party candidate.
LibNat are rubbish and Lab can’t rise to the task.
💚 Mandy 💚 you’ve got this and a Greens💚 Government is needed to get the nation back on track.
Vote 1 💚Mandy and 💚Greens!
Lib/Nat are nuclear waste and Greens can’t rise to the task, Mandy you would only be more wasted space on the crossbench. A majority Labor Govt must be returned to finish the job of an orderly transition to a renewable future while keeping the lights on and people in jobs, and keep this great country on track to building a better future. Vote 1 Justine Elliott and Labor.
Keithy my man, the wasted space has been PM Ablo’s / Labor political party’s 3 years at the helm.
Aussie living standards have gone backwards under your man Aldo.
GHG emissions have gone up under your man Ablo, with production, consumption and export of fossil fuels being boosted along – that transition from fossil fuel to renewables purposely slowed, the defining success of PM Aldo as he / Lab bring it home for their fossil fuel industry 💲’spaymasters.
The nation can’t afford either LibNat or Lab.
The 💚Greens are ready to Make Australia Great Again.
Vote 1 💚Mandy and💚Greens!
Joachim my boy, the only wasted space here is you and the obstructionist Greens party who only represent 10 to 12% of the national vote, and currently only holding four inner-city (trendy) HOR seats continually lecturing and pontificating to the majority of Australians, that the very industries that ensure our standard of living and employment has to be shut down immediately. I seriously doubt that the Aussie workers who have received tax cuts, increased wages, big reduction in inflation and cost of living relief in the last three years would believe your spurious claim that their “living standards have gone backwards”. The nation can’t afford an out of control extremist Greens party, and its deeply unpopular socialist pitiful excuse of a leader to be part of any sort of coalition Govt. Vote 1 Justine Elliott and Labor to keep this great country firmly on track for a renewable future.
Keith,its just all too hard to admit that Aussies living standards have gone backwards under the reign of Ablo The Great. The issue was well analysed 👀 across the media in late November and early December 2024 with the release of national accounts data – 7 quarters of declining GDP per capita, its called a per capita recession for a reason, yeah.
Your “spurious claim” , somehow you missed it all, ALP HQ must have taken the week off and not delivered any talking points for you to parrot.🤣
“Aussie living standards have gone backwards under your man Aldo”. Are you pitching for a job on Sky after Dark? Not showing much grasp of global situations are you mate?
You’ve had impact the post Covid border closures and lockdowns on emissions explained to you but, Tory like again, you just like to fudge. Or do you fail to grasp it? Or have a short-term memory problem?
And I thought you didn’t oppose mining?
There is always a ready excuse to be found when it goes wrong for Albo or better still just don’t acknowledge failure at all – just like with power bills being $275 lower by 2025, the silence is deafening!
There is always a ready excuse from the Greens political party, when their juvenile grandstanding goes horribly wrong, but usually they hide and the silence is deafening, leaving someone else to fix the mess, soooooooo sad.
Kiethy my boy, our power bills being $275 lower by 2025, your silence is deafening. Now that really is sooooooooooooo very sad.
Look at Byron shire, do you want the rest of Australia to be like this?
pot holes the size of cars and no where for anyone to live.
After 9 wasted years of repetitive LNP deficits with huge debt, promising so much but delivering nothing but lies and failure, with nothing to show for it. Resulting in high inflation, and this cost of living crises tearing through the economy. Duttons leftovers now still with zero planned costed polices on anything, period.
Labor has now delivered us the second best economy in the world, with inflation now below 3% and unemployment below 4%. A huge list of legislation to alleviate cost of living crises caused by that former LNP Govt mismanagement of the economy.
All while Labor were obstructed the entire term at every step by the LNP/Greens. The best results for Australia in decades, while most of the rest of the World flounders in recession and this world wide cost of living death spiral.
Albanese and of course “Charmers who is clearly well on top of his ministry”, whom may well be the best Treasurer we have ever had, deserves acknowledgement for Labor’s brilliant economic turn around.
The QLD LNP under Dutton, the Liberals and the Nationals, the extremist factional infighting makes it almost impossible for them to form any kind of cohesive policies on anything for decades. The LNP record is a shambles, period, the LNP have no future, they’re not even in the 21st century!
Just as Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison had no policies only tax cuts for the well off that don’t need them, the LNP offer nothing but daily contrived distractions and culture wars served up by their usual suspect media operatives, to overwhelm the media narrative, who’s owners benefit so much from their LNP mates creating almost non stop divisive chaos and confusion.
Dutton has refused any real interviews with real journalists and is clearly terrified of being cornered by any.
Because the moment a journalist can ever actually corner him somewhere that, “he cannot run away from, after abusing them”.
Duttons whole phoney election campaign will simple crash and burn. The female Teals “Moderate Liberal women refused preselection by the LNP factional branch stackers”, will take many more LNP seats this election for good reason the LNP offer nothing to their electorates.
The Greens after obstructing Labor cost of living this entire 3 year term, have exposed themselves for what they are, petty political wannabes and have been rejected by the voters and offer nothing but further obstruction.
The choice clearly is Elliot for Richmond, she has a record of achievement and so does her Govt, with policies already set and delivering real outcomes, with more to come.
The other two, LNP/Greens are simply previously failed candidates, inexperienced time wasters, that they and especially their respective party’s can offer nothing but continued uncertainty and obstruction!
What an appalling selection to choose from.
All three should, somehow, end up at the bottom of a voter’s choice.
This reminds me of the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum choice in the recent American Election.
My old Burmese Cat would be a better candidate.
Who is going to deliver on supporting young generations mental and emotional health in educating, empowering and enabeling them how to protect the planet? Impactful Education is key and everything else will follow.
Such a rosy picture painted here on Labors economic record but no mention of their environmental record
( which has been nothing short of appalling). The two are inextricably connected. Economic “growth” does not exist in a vacuum. The costs to the environment must be a factor and costed into any “Economic Management” claims. No mention of the C02 emissions from our exports of coal and gas – more than twice the size of our national emissions. Look more closely at so-called ‘obstructions’ by The Greens. They consistently call for policies towards sustainable economic growth – like ending NEW coal and gas projects. They consistently aim for an Australia that will be strongly placed in the global economies of the future where fossil fuel dependance would be economic suicide.
Hilde, well said.
No Hilde, that wasn’t what the Greens obstructed. It was all attempt at improving the decades in the making housing crisis, the health scourge of vapes, reforms to the RBB etc.
The best way to manage a transition from coal and gas is to have renewable replacements. This is a global reality. Look at what Labor has done in this area and stop demanding an instant switch off. Especially after the Greens played politics and delayed climate action for a decade.
So sad, here it goes again, Labor political party apologist attempting to re write Australia’s climate (in)action history.
Newsflash Liz, its all on the public record, Rudd / ALP killed off his CPRS all by himself but don’t let facts get in the way of Labor political party climate deniers and delayers running lines of the sort of, Its all the Greens fault’, to divert and distract from Rudd / ALP monumental own goal ⚽ climate (in)action explosion.
It was the 💚Greens 💚who helped deliver the ETS and Australia delivering emissions reductions fro the first time. Thank you 💚Greens💚!
And why did Rudd kill it off?
Yes the Greens helped deliver the successful ETS but, by that stage, the stuffing around from the first attempts meant Julia Gillard was crucified for doing so and climate/energy policy became such a toxic, wedge-filled zone that any intelligent and cooperative debate has been impossible ever since. Oh plus nine years of stagnation!
That’s the history my friend and no number of green hearts will change it! Sadly 😢
Liz, Rudd could have called a Double Dissolution Election but he showed what he truly thought of his CPRS – not even he could stomach it or defend it and he ran away from the DD, ran away from his CPRS, dumped his CPRS.
It didn’t have to go that way, instead of being a Bullyboy delivering his CPRS bullying ” take it or leave it” ultimatums to 💚 Bob Brown/ Greens💚 he should simply have sat down to discuss and negotiate but Rudd the bullyboy was having none of that. Minority governments in the Senate don’t get to act like Dictators, Bullies may get a reward but not always the one that they expect!!
Thank you 💚Bob Brown / Greens💚 for staying the course, resisting Rudd / ALP/ Bullying, that paved the way for the later ETS to be legislated – the ETS that was superb policy, worked exactly as intended.
That Rudd and Gillard wanted to play their political endgames, tearing themselves and ALP Govt apart, leading to Abbott / Turnbull / Morrison years, is ALL on them and no one else.
The full history is all there, a history for all the Labor political party wannabe history re-writers to digest, history and facts that can’t be re- written.
Well, here we go once again, more propaganda, rank denial and refusal to accept reality, from a totally discredited and untruthful apologist from the equally discredited and untruthful Greens political party. Newsflash Joachim my poor boy, Kevin Rudd won an election in a landslide with that CPRS as an election commitment, the obstructionist Greens joined forces with their usual partners in crime, (the Coalition) and refused to pass that CPRS in the Senate, leaving Kevin Rudd with no alternative than to abandon the policy. Thanks so much Greens. Again the Greens lived up to their reputation as wreckers of good policy when they forced Julia Gillard to break an election promise and introduce a carbon tax for supporting her minority Govt, an act she was never going to recover from with Abbott as Opposition leader. Thank you so much again Greens. Both of these appalling acts of stupidity by the extremist Greens party resulted in no action and disaster for climate change policy that set the cause back a decade, something the Albanese Govt is now trying to rectify. Thank you so much Greens, will your fanatical minor party ever grow up and face reality??????
Newsflash Keithy, to your so called election landslide win, it didn’t happen in the Senate. You do know what the Senate is, yeah. Learn yourself up on how Australian legislation is passed.
We haven’t turned into a dictatorship yet, no matter how much that disappoints you.
The CPRS was roundly panned by a host of environment and social groups for good reason, it was bad policy, a policy that the fossil fuel industry loved and no wonder, they helped write the thing – ALP and 💲’sfossil fuel industry ‘donations’ it is wonder to behold.
Poor old Rudd, he ‘Teamed up’ with Turnbull / LibNat and thought he struck gold! When that all came unstuck he then thought he could bully Bob Brown / Greens into CPRS submission by delivering the ultimatum of ” take it or leave it”. And when that bullyboy attempt failed, Rudd failed again with his retreat from calling a Double Dissolution Election – the true test of what Rudd thought of his CPRS, it was rubbish policy that even he wouldn’t defend. A ringing endorsement if ever there isn’t one, yeah!!!!
So Keith, the good news for you is that Bad Policy never gets a free tick of approval just because it has a Labor sticker affixed to it.
Thank you so much💚 Greens 💚 for leading the nation on climate and energy and providing the necessary check against bad policy proposals.
So what current aspects of climate and energy policy have you played an instrumental part in delivering?
Newsflash Joachim my boy, you fanatical Greens still seem unable to grasp reality and fess up for stupid past mistakes, the end result for the intransigent and destructive blocking of Kevin Rudd’s CPRS was a net gain for the environment of Australia of ZERO, thank you Greens sooooooo much. Another Newsflash, the net gain for the environment and Australia for the forced introduction of Julia Gillard’s failed carbon tax was ZERO, thank you soooooo much again Greens. And I see you have returned to silly name calling again my boy, just shows how incredibly weak and unwinnable your argument and sad excuse for a political party is, yeah.
Keithy, my boy , newsflash for you, the successful ETS delivered GHG emissions reductions = net gain for the environment of Australia of POSITIVE. Numbers are always your undoing. Thank you so much 💚 Greens💚 for helping deliver GHG emissions reductions.
But we are in the present and under the spell of Ablo The Greatest / Labor polluting party and look at their record on GHG emissions -.Keithy THE NUMBERS don’t lie – release of quarterly emissions data November 2024 – GHG emissions have gone up under the Labor polluting party = a net gain for the environment of Australia of N E G A T I V E!!!!!!
Its what happens when the Labor political party is beholden to the fossil fuel industry.
The climate and environment reckless, dangerous, Labor political party have to be voted out come Election25.
Only the 💚Greens and Climate Independents can save the nation from Lab ( and LibNat ) and Fossil Fuel Industry sponsoring climate and environment collapse.