Those who thought President Donald Trump could not be any worse than President Joe Biden on the Gaza issue had a rude awakening yesterday after his surreal press conference at the White House with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
NSW Police say that a critical incident investigation has been declared as inquiries continue into an alleged pursuit and crash in the state's north late last month.
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service says the carcass of a 10-metre juvenile humpback whale that washed ashore last Friday on Mooball Beach, near Pottsville on the far north coast, has been buried in the dunes behind the beach.
The longtime saga over erecting a men's shed at the Black Rocks sports field near Pottsville has ended after Tweed shire councillors last night narrowly voted to allow a five-year lease for the site.
Lyn Dickinson, secretary, Threatened Species Conservation Society. Whilst you were sleeping, my partner David Norris, as instructed by Friends of the Koala, was checking out another very sick diseased koala in a tree on the southern edge of the Black Rocks sports field access road last week.
Almost 34,000 people, many from around the world, have signed a petition calling on Tweed Shire Council to revegetate a sports field south of Pottsville surrounded by koala habitat and corridors.
David Norris, president, Threatened Species Conservation Society. Members of the Threatened Species Conservation Society Inc wish to thank the caring and dedicated volunteers of Friends of Koala who met at the Black Rocks sports field on Sunday, 7 February, to release a 12-month-old female koala (Lucia).
David Norris , president, Threatened Species Conservation Society, Pottsville. Tweed shire mayor Katie Milne and deputy mayor Gary Bagnall's consistent voting in favour of the environment is commended.
Dave Norris, Pottsville. Dr Steve Phillips was commissioned to direct the Tweed Coast Koala Habitat Study 2011 (TCKHS), which made recommendations to prevent localised koala extinction.
Dave Norris, president, Threatened Species Conservation Society Inc, Pottsville. Over the past four years I have been reporting koala sightings at Black Rocks (Pottsville) to Tweed Shire Council and the NSW Bionet Wildlife Atlas after becoming aware of the level of threat to the survival of koalas on the Tweed Coast.
David Norris , president Threatened Species Conservation Society, Pottsville. Ecologist Dr Steve Phillips believes that the Black Rocks sports field is not 'a dot on the fringe of a major corridor' as recently suggested by a Pottsville resident:
The closure of an educational program for at-risk Aboriginal youth in the region is being suggested as one reason behind the recent jump in crime in the Northern Rivers.
Before the revolution in 1789, France was divided into three estates. The first estate, the clergy, held great sway over society and the power to levy a ten per cent tax – the tithe…