Things are getting scary for koalas as their habitat is reduced daily, but communities are getting together to monitor local koala populations for the purpose of conservation.
With US President Trump axing funding for aid programs across the globe, it’s also forced a marine conservation group to start laying off staff and stop work while they ‘work around the clock to fill the $300,000 gap that has been created’.
Scenic Lions Road between Standfields Bridge and the Queensland border crossing will be closed to through traffic from Monday 17 February to mid-June while Kyogle Council replaces six culverts damaged in the February 2022 floods.
Byron Council is once again on the brink of introducing paid parking in Brunswick Heads, after a consultant’s review found that parking demand in the town has reached the point where intervention was necessary.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin says that two local grant recipients will use the State funding to support innovative projects which aim to reduce social isolation among older people in the Lismore district and in the Murwillumbah area.
Things are getting scary for koalas as their habitat is reduced daily, but communities are getting together to monitor local koala populations for the purpose of conservation.
Those who thought President Donald Trump could not be any worse than President Joe Biden on the Gaza issue had a rude awakening yesterday after his surreal press conference at the White House with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.