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Byron Shire
February 6, 2025
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A little more conversation, a little less action

Aussie teens say sex education is leaving them unprepared for relationships 

Other News

You vote for them, then they vote for you

After another week of shock and awe attacks on democracy in the USA, and Mini-Me responses from our very own Temu Trump-in-waiting, it's worth remembering that there's often a significant gulf – between the words of politicians of all stripes, at every level of the greasy pole – and their actions.

Eclectic Selection: What’s on this week

The Vampires mark a watershed in their 15-year career, making them one of Australia’s most acclaimed acts. Melding saxophone...

What did 800 locals say in Byron Shire Council’s CSP survey?

A ten-year plan ‘that reflects the visions, aspirations and needs of the community to guide Byron Shire Council’s work and priorities’ is on public exhibition until February 9. 

Israel, antisemitism and distinguishing between the two

I can understand why the author of the back page of last week’s Echo seeks to remain anonymous. The...

Nature on a leash

For the local naturist community, the removal of the clothing-optional beach at Tyagarah has been devastating. The sense of...

Lions Road to be closed (temporarily)

Scenic Lions Road between Standfields Bridge and the Queensland border crossing will be closed to through traffic from Monday 17 February to mid-June while Kyogle Council replaces six culverts damaged in the February 2022 floods.

Stories about "mobile phones":

Mobile phones banned in public high schools

Today is the beginning of a new-old era when mobile phones didn’t exist, at least in NSW public schools – students in public high schools across the state must have their mobile phones turned off and out of sight from today.

Death by phone?

Joel McPhee, Mullumbimby To the irresponsible person who was looking at her phone whilst driving on Myocum Road on 21 January, causing her to cross...

Handbrake fail

Mobile phone users are being reminded to pay attention to their handbrakes when they hop out of their cars for a quick chat. 

Beware mobile phone ‘voodoo’

Peter Nielsen, Byron Bay. Our EMR awareness group had an information stall at the recent Living Community Festival. We were surprised to find many visitors had attached to their mobile phone a hologram sticker, 'orgonite' wafer, or the like.

Grants for local groups to reduce isolation among older people

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin says that two local grant recipients will use the State funding to support innovative projects which aim to reduce social isolation among older people in the Lismore district and in the Murwillumbah area.

Have your say on Reconciliation Action Plan

Lismore City Council is inviting community members to participate in an upcoming consultation to help shape its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Where are our koalas?

Things are getting scary for koalas as their habitat is reduced daily, but communities are getting together to monitor local koala populations for the purpose of conservation.

Trump says USA will ‘take over’ Gaza

Those who thought President Donald Trump could not be any worse than President Joe Biden on the Gaza issue had a rude awakening yesterday after his surreal press conference at the White House with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.