The Ballina Shire Community now has the opportunity to put their ideas forward on the Draft Master Plan for Hampton Park Reserve, which is now on public exhibition.
Residents and community associations in the Pottsville and Cabarita area are calling for an end to sewage discharges into the waterways and to have the cleanest possible effluent discharged to the dunes.
Parliamentarians, including many members of the crossbench, have joined community sector leaders in calling on the parliament to raise the rate of income support.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was on the North Coast last Friday to announce that a re-elected Albanese Labor Government will deliver $3 million for a North Coast Crime Prevention Infrastructure Action Plan.
A key recommendation of the independent review of the NSW vocational education and training (VET) sector, the TAFE NSW Charter lets the people of NSW know what they should expect from TAFE – as the provider at the heart of vocational training.
Things are getting scary for koalas as their habitat is reduced daily, but communities are getting together to monitor local koala populations for the purpose of conservation.
Lismore City Council is working on their fourth Reconciliation Action Plan, that is currently open for community consultation, and local artist Tywana Caldwell’s artwork will be featured.
Extending the NSW temporary youth bail laws from 12 months to four years has been condemned with data showing 80 per cent of young people charged with certain offences have been refused bail since March last year.
The ‘Keep the Flow in Suffo’ community group is growing rapidly as residents across the Byron Shire continue to become informed about the Council’s hasty decision to install traffic lights in Suffolk Park.