In just one year of jamming, the collaborative accolades that BoomChild have amassed is second to pretty much none. With opening slots for Hermitude, Adrian Eagle, The Rubens and Triple J’s DreamFest, music video premieres on MTV and Rage, sold-out shows, and tracks piquing the interest of industry icons such as Future Classic, EMI, BMG and Sony Music – the collective have entered the scene with a boom.
With the PM away in Tonga at the Pacific Islands Forum, and the Liberals talking about defunding signature ALP policies so wealthy people can pay less tax, Greens leader Adam Bandt took to the National Press Club stage last week to suggest a very different way of dealing with the nation's financial problems.
Kol Dimond, Byron Bay. Once again Mandy's insights are on point regarding the affordable housing farce. However, I feel she loosens her grip on the subject towards the end when the blame game kicks in.
Sunshine Coast local and former championship tour surfer, Sophie McCulloch, has made a triumphant return, claiming victory at her first World Surf League (WSL) Qualifying...