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Byron Shire
February 5, 2025
Home Tags Swimming pool accident

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Crossbench and community sector leaders urge parliament to raise income support

Parliamentarians, including many members of the crossbench, have joined community sector leaders in calling on the parliament to raise the rate of income support.

Other News

Law Enforcement Conduct Commission monitor Casino investigation

Following an alleged police pursuit and crash in Casino at 4.10am on Saturday, 25 January, 2025 the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission is independently monitoring the investigation of the critical incident.

Why war?

In reference to David Heilpern’s editorial, (Comment, January 15) Is land sharing the future? I would say that if...

Seven-lot residential subdivision proposed for Federal Drive

In a move that may become more common in the town as demand for rural housing grows, the owner of the undulating greenfield site at 403 Federal Drive has sought to create a cluster of 2000m2 lots on the site.

Broadwater Public on track to reopen day one, term two

During the 2022 floods Broadwater Public School, on the floodplain at the confluence of the Richmond and Tuckean Broadwater rivers, was destroyed.

Lengthy letters

I’d like to completely endorse Peter Walters’ missive re letter length. This has been an issue with The Echo for...

Cudgen on top of the cricket ladder

The Cudgen Hornets are enjoying first place on the local first-grade LJ Hooker ladder, and are in a strong...

Stories about "swimming pool accident":

Woman in hospital after accident in pool

A woman has been taken to hospital after sustaining back injuries in an accident at a swimming pool in South Ballina.

Research funded to find solutions for plastic waste

Three pioneering projects have been awarded $1.25 million by the NSW government to tackle plastic pollution through innovative solutions.

Lions Road to be closed (temporarily)

Scenic Lions Road between Standfields Bridge and the Queensland border crossing will be closed to through traffic from Monday 17 February to mid-June while Kyogle Council replaces six culverts damaged in the February 2022 floods.

How to revive nature protection laws?

Following the Prime Minister’s dumping of nature protection laws this week, federal Greens candidate Mandy Nolan says the voters of Richmond deserve better.

Logging stopped in Tasmanian Devil habitat

Yesterday, forest defenders returned to protest and halt logging of ancient forests near Tasmania’s Lake St Clair.