Women Like Us is the stand-up comedy sensation created by local comedians Mandy Nolan and Ellen Briggs. With over 320 performances in cities and regional centres, big city theatres and dusty regional halls they are excited to dust off their heels for a gig at Coorabell Hall with some of the proceeds going to Grandcarers Project for grandparents caring for their grandkids.
The 2022 floods have changed the face and community of Lismore forever. Exploring the stories, history and memories of North Lismore through the community photographic and oral project Living Memory will bring together people's stories, preserve memories and capture the community at a moment in time.
Ballina Shire Council is urging residents not to put hazardous materials in any kerbside bin, following a fire at the Resource Recovery Centre last weekend.
Car parking time limits in Ballina’s town centre are to remain as they are after local councillors voted against changes in response to public feedback.
A reader has sent in photos of local parking areas saying they are saddened by the total lack of respect for the Shire and our community when it comes to parking and mess.
Byron Shire Council says it will be working with the Tweed Byron Police District and National Parks and Wildlife Service this Christmas-New Year to keep public areas safe and make sure they are not taken over by large groups of people for extended periods of time.
In-ground parking sensors would be introduced to Ballina’s central business district under changes to council policy recommended by consultants hired to carry out a recent parking study.
Up to 29 ‘affordable’ units that could house 50 people will be built above a Mullumbimby car park, after councillors agreed to work with Landcom, a development corporation owned by the NSW government, at their planning meeting last Thursday.
Surprise, surprise, more vitriolic statements hurtled at Mr Trump.
Well, Richard Jones, I hope he wins. You cite he ‘can barely string two words together...
Police are appealing for information following an attempted robbery which left a man seriously injured at Casino early Friday morning.
About 3.30am (Friday, 8 November,...
The 2022 floods have changed the face and community of Lismore forever. Exploring the stories, history and memories of North Lismore through the community photographic and oral project Living Memory will bring together people's stories, preserve memories and capture the community at a moment in time.