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Byron Shire
February 6, 2025
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Trump says USA will ‘take over’ Gaza

Those who thought President Donald Trump could not be any worse than President Joe Biden on the Gaza issue had a rude awakening yesterday after his surreal press conference at the White House with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Other News

Mandy’s Soap Box: Stranger in the Fernery

Last week my Mum told me she got broken into.

NORPA’s plan to stay in Lismore

Regional NSW arts organisation NORPA (Northern Rivers Performing Arts) has shared its innovative vision for a new home, housed in the historic Hampton & Larsson timber factory in the centre of Lismore, and referred to as The Joinery.

Lengthy letters

I’d like to completely endorse Peter Walters’ missive re letter length. This has been an issue with The Echo for...

Backlash for Backlash

It’s about time Backlash stopped hiding in anonymity, even though editor Hans Lovejoy accepted responsibility for it last week...

Powerful results from joining quantum computing and AI

Researchers have used quantum physics and machine learning to quickly and accurately understand a mound of data – a technique, they say, could help extract meaning from gargantuan datasets.

Truth warriors of the fifth estate to the rescue

Before the revolution in 1789, France was divided into three estates. The first estate, the clergy, held great sway over society and the power to levy a ten per cent tax – the tithe…

Stories about "Rural":

Dr Heyning recognised for service

Each year, the Australian Rural Doctors network recognises rural GPs who have achieved 35 plus years of service to remote, rural and regional communities in NSW. 

New report highlights gaps in rural and remote health

The second annual Royal Flying Doctor Service ‘Best for the Bush, Rural and remote Health Base Line’ report has just been released. Presenting the latest data on the health of rural and remote Australians and evidence on service gaps, it identifies issues in urgent need of attention from service providers, funders, partners and policy makers.

$40 million cannabis bust at Ellangowan

NSW Police say that four people have been charged after officers uncovered more than $40 million worth of cannabis inside industrial grow-houses on a rural property at Ellangowan.

Health report warns of inadequate services

The NSW health system is ‘failing residents of rural, regional and remote areas,’ a State government inquiry has found.

Regional areas coped better than the city during COVID

A study shows that rural and regional communities across NSW have fared better than those in Sydney in dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.

Indigenous crime prevention program scrapped

The closure of an educational program for at-risk Aboriginal youth in the region is being suggested as one reason behind the recent jump in crime in the Northern Rivers.

Alarm raised over possible Varroa mite infestation

Tyagarah residents are alarmed at what they believe to be Varroa mite infested hives in the nature reserve.

Truth warriors of the fifth estate to the rescue

Before the revolution in 1789, France was divided into three estates. The first estate, the clergy, held great sway over society and the power to levy a ten per cent tax – the tithe…

Ban the banner

Flags on stands and banners are waving more and more. Outside cafes, food stands, shops, and pub owners seem to be adding some kind...