While reading The Echo letter ‘Boring Bay’ (January 8) I reflected on how our community in Byron Bay has been overlooked when it comes to creating meaningful celebrations. From the needs of our aged (letter ‘Hydrotherapy Pool Rejected’), and marginalised citizens (letter ‘Dear Tourists’), to the importance of tourism in our economy, there is a growing disconnect between what locals want and the decisions being made.
Take, for instance, the absence of Christmas decorations in town. Visitors and locals alike ask why we don’t have a Christmas tree or festive lights, and yet these are simple joys that bring people together. The lack of community involvement in New Year’s Eve celebrations, which are now outsourced to an external company, has left many of us feeling detached. Soul Street, while well-meaning, felt impersonal and rushed, leaving little sense of community spirit.
Encouraging our community to decorate shops and homes for the holidays is a lovely idea, but without the involvement from the locals with leadership or support from the Byron Shire Council, it can feel like a thankless task. Byron Bay deserves better; we can do better. Try going to the farmer’s markets to raise funds for a Christmas tree and to hear locals and visitors asking why we don’t have a visual celebration of Christmas. The children loved decorating my tree at the markets!
It’s time for both the Council and community to work together. A pared-back, locally-driven celebration doesn’t need to be costly. Imagine a beautiful Christmas tree in town, festive lights, and a New Year’s concert featuring our talented artistic community, we have the people on the ground. With support from retailers, businesses, and clubs, these simple initiatives could make a huge difference.
Could the council redirect part of the Soul Street budget toward community-led events instead of relying on the cumbersome grant process? Could they help simplify approvals and lead the way with community-led initiatives in creating a joyful atmosphere? Maybe the council can delegate some staff to work with the community for one or two months before Christmas. They have talented staff to help create a new way back to the Byron Bay community.
Together, we can bring back the magic of Christmas and New Year’s Eve to Byron Bay. Let us not be the only regional town of our size and reputation without a Christmas tree and a community New Year celebration.
It’s not hard if everyone chips in. Let’s start small and rediscover the joy of community celebrations.