The letters deadline for The Echo is noon Friday. Letters longer than 200 words may be cut. The publication of letters is at the discretion of the letters editor.
Members of the public are being sought to help their communities at the Bangalow and Byron Bay Fire Stations, with paid positions on offer for on-call firefighters.
The proposed demolition/relocation of a home in Banglaow that had previously been classified as voluntary heritage listed by Council has sparked concerns from residents.
Northern Rivers Women and Children's Services Inc. (NORWACS) is proud to announce the Lismore Women's Festival, a vibrant and inclusive event celebrating women, will be held on Saturday, 8 March at the Quad in Lismore from 9am to 4pm.
Local not-for-profit reforestation group, ReForest Now, has celebrated the planting of 311,000 in just three years, and say they have 58 hectares of bush regeneration underway.
A collaboration between Mullumbimby High and Byron Council will soon see bush regeneration along 500m of the Mullumbimby Creek, which meanders behind the school.
One of the best ways to mitigate climate change is to capture carbon – by tree planting, of course! Shearwater Steiner School in Mullumbimby is getting hands on with its students and getting their hands in the dirt.
Greens NSW environment spokesperson Cate Faehrmann and the party’s Lismore candidate Sue Higginson have announced a $31.5 million ten-year plan to transfer care and control of almost 30,000 hectares of state forests north of Kyogle to the Githabul Tribe.
More than 2,800 seedlings and thousands of rainforest seeds have been saved by local not-for-profit group ReForest Now, which has recently completed a brand new rainforest tree nursery at the Mullumbimby Community Gardens.
An environmental volunteer co-ordination network that supports on-ground Landcare groups to restore degraded public and private land says there has been a sharp decline in government funding.
Home gardeners, landscape architects and those who are passionate about bush regeneration can now jump online and use the new Tweed-Byron Native Species Planting Guide to choose the right plant for the right place.
Byron Shire Chemical Free Landcare volunteers have been working for the past eight years on a five-hectare dune-regeneration project just south of Brunswick Surf Club.
In an ambitious project to both regenerate local rainforest and create a market for native timbers environmentalists and farmers have come together to create the inaugural Sustainable Native Timber Showcase and Design Competition and are asking locals to get involved.
Given the content of Mandy’s story about her parents’ Vietnamese ‘intruder,’ I’d love to have had the opportunity to retitle her story, ‘Empathy, Kindness,...