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Byron Shire
February 7, 2025
Home Tags Public toilets

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Will NSW Forestry Corporation be investigated for changing data on native logging? 

The NSW Forestry Corporation has retrospectively slashed timber yields by 28 per cent according to the NEFA calling into question the viability of NSW’s native logging forestry industry

Other News

Local wins national regatta comp

The Richmond River Club in Ballina hosted the RS100 class’s National Championship regatta from January 24 to 26, with...

Truth warriors of the fifth estate to the rescue

Before the revolution in 1789, France was divided into three estates. The first estate, the clergy, held great sway over society and the power to levy a ten per cent tax – the tithe…

Lismore Theatre from script-writing to stage – are you interested?

The Lismore Theatre Company has developed an exciting and innovative project and is calling all interested creative people wanting to learn new skills and have the opportunity to perform on stage. 

Return and Earn for less PETs, glass, aluminium, water, energy and emissions

Recycling is no longer a novelty and as we understand more about waste and reusing our resources, and the NSW Return and Earn scheme is playing a major role in making good habits pay on more than one level.

Keep an eye out for vulnerable shorebirds

State and local authorities are pleading with locals and visitors alike to take care not to disrupt the nesting activities of threatened shorebirds when they go to the beach and fragile estuarine environments this summer.

Mullum Airbnb host cancels Easter deal then relists for almost double

Music journalist, DJ and ABC broadcaster, Sarah Howells, has had to swallow a bitter Bluesfest pill after an AirBnB host reneged on an agreement for Easter accommodation.

Stories about "public toilets":

24-hour trading for new Lismore toilets

Ever get that niggling feeling of being caught short when you’re going about your business in town? That will be a thing of the...

Knickers in a knot over Byron’s mulfunctioning loos

Byron Bay's much-hyped 'loos with views' are not so much fun when the user becomes the view as the doors spontaneously open midstream. But the council promises it is on the job.

Sausage shrine erected on Byron beachfront

Michele Grant, Foreshore Protection Group, Ocean Shores. A shrine to the humble sausage was erected this week on one of the most highly visible and iconic sites in Byron.

Toilets need cleaning, not replacing

Geoff Dawe, Byrrill Creek. In the cursory decision to replace sound buildings with ‘state-of-the-art’ constructions, humans are obviously engaged in proceeding with the consumerist ethic that, science is implying, has taken humans to the edge of a dead planet.

Council agrees, Byron’s toilets are crappy

Ken Gainger, GM, Byron Shire Council. In response to Mr Newling’s letter in Echonetdaily, Byron Shire Council wholeheartedly agrees that public amenities within the shire need to be upgraded.

Byron Bay’s new loos open for business

The state of the public toilets in Byron Bay is so notorious they have almost become a tourist attraction – of the worst kind.

New Apex Park loos cause a stink

New toilets are expected to be delivered at Apex Park on Byron’s beachfront by the end of the week, according to Byron Shire Council, while the surf club toilets are renovated. But not everyone is happy with the timing of the refurbishment and the impact of the portaloos.

Rally in support of trans youth this Saturday in Lismore

A Protect Trans Youth Day of Action will be taking place across Australia tomorrow with a rally for the North Coast taking place in Lismore at 11am at Pride Corner on the corner of Molesworth and Magellan streets, Lismore.

Lighthouse Beach all-abilities access to get underway

Ballina Shire Council will soon be another step closer to providing all-abilities access to one of Ballina’s main beaches, Lighthouse Beach.

Editorial – The uninformed state of NSW 

Asking a straightforward question of the NSW Labor government gets you conflicting non-responses. Yay. What fun!

Mullum SEED funded for regen food lab

Mullum SEED has received funding to work in partnership with regenerative farmers to create a transitional pathway for the local food sector.