The Northern NSW Local Health District has announced that there was one new case of COVID-19 reported for Northern NSW Local Health District in the 24 hours to 8pm 28 October.
Acting Chief Executive Northern NSW Local Health District, Lynne Weir, said the case is in the Casino area of Richmond Valley Local Government Area (LGA) and is linked to a cluster of cases in the Mid North Coast associated with a funeral held in Lions Park, Nambucca Heads on 23 October.
Anyone who attended the funeral is asked to isolate immediately, get tested and
remain isolated until they receive a negative result or are contacted directly by NSW
The North Coast Public Health Unit is working to assess whether people who attended
the funeral will be classified as close or casual contacts.
The total number of cases in NNSWLHD since 16 June is now 123.
Sewage detections in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby
Residents and visitors in the Byron Bay and Mullumbimby areas are asked to be
vigilant for COVID-19 symptoms and get tested if any symptoms develop, following
the detection of fragments of the virus in sewage samples taken from both sewage
treatment plants on 26 October.
‘This is the second consecutive detection for the Byron Bay treatment plant,’ said Ms Weir. ‘The last recorded case in the Byron Shire LGA was on 7 October.
‘Even if you are fully vaccinated you should get tested and isolate immediately if you
have even the mildest of COVID-19 symptoms – a slightly runny nose, a scratchy or
sore throat or generally feeling under the weather.’
The Byron Central Hospital testing clinic on Ewingsdale Road is open seven days a
week, from 9am – 5pm.
There are more than 500 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW.
Recent stories, information and updates regarding COVID-19
New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Life shows life expectancy in Australia has decreased slightly for the second year in a row. An international team of researchers has found more evidence that COVID-19 came from animals in a Wuhan food market. The lab-leak theory that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology – instead of a nearby wet market – was thrashed about in public recently, with the US Senate Homeland Security Committee holding a hearing into Covid-19. Eighteen schools in the Northern Rivers division of Richmond have received $25,000 each as part of the federal government’s School Upgrade Fund, Labor Member for Richmond Justine Elliot said last week. COVID-19 reversed earlier trends toward longer life expectancies. During the pandemic, life expectancies globally dropped by 1.6 years according to a new study published in the Lancet medical journal. Let’s not forget that Covid-19 is still a big issue in our community with 31,935 cases reported across Australia in the last week – an average of 4,562 cases per day. The Global Carbon Budget is about to be refreshed, giving the world a critical insight into how efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are (or are not) progressing. Masks will no longer be mandatory on public transport from tomorrow, Wednesday 21 September. SW Police are urging festival-goers at this weekend’s music festival to celebrate in a safe and responsible manner, whilst also being aware of COVID-Safety measures. The Northern NSW Local Health District reports that to 4pm yesterday, Sunday May 22, there were 40 COVID-19 positive patients in hospital in Northern NSW, with one of these in ICU.COVID-19 reduces Australian life expectancy
Wuhan market increasingly likely origin point for COVID-19
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COVID-19 pandemic has cut life expectancy globally
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COVID-19 update for the NNSWLHD – May 23