For well over 20 years, the government has been promising to stamp out the horrendous cruelty and abuses fundamental to the live export of Australian sheep and cattle. They have utterly failed.
A shocking new PETA exposé shows that workers in Indonesia are still butchering live, conscious animals from Australia, even though the Australian government repeatedly promised to stop the gruesome practice.
A PETA Asia investigator recorded video of two cows with Australian ear tags writhing after workers slashed their throats. Both animals were still kicking and one was gurgling as they were dragged by their legs across filthy floors and hoisted. One of the cows continued to struggle until a worker cut deeper into her throat.
A similar PETA exposé of seven randomly selected slaughterhouses in 2021 found the same, even though some were registered with the Australian government’s Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS). While exporters are required to comply with ESCAS, Australia’s meat industry still ships cattle overseas to countries where they are killed in ways that would be illegal in Australia.
The Labor Party has finally set a date (2028) to phase out the live export of sheep, but the abuse of cattle has been ignored.
We’re closer than ever to stopping boats crammed with terrified animals from leaving our shores, but we need your help. The live-export industry is the meat and leather corporations. Stop buying meat and leather and you’ll stop paying for this cruelty.