Do they really care – Geoff Provest and the state government?
Lot 490 has a critical part to play in protecting community amenity in the face of massive development. It will provide public parkland and beachside car parking. The Tweed coast is already short of car parking. Think back to the recent holidays.
The population between Kingscliff and Bogangar will more than double when Kings Forest and West Kingscliff are developed. Holiday congestion will become a daily event. People who only want to get to the beach will take the car parking normally used by shoppers, diners and those wishing to use professional services eg doctors, physiotherapists, chemists and hairdressers.
Amenity on the coast will fall away. Residential and tourism growth will decline. Property values won’t keep pace. Investment will dry up.
All this without even touching on the community’s preference for green spaces over wall-to-wall development, helping the rare Glossy Black Cockatoo and saving the endangered orchid.
The State Government’s intention to sell Lot 490 or alternatively developing a government run caravan park is uncaring money grubbing.
It is a slap to the face of 13,500 petitioners. That’s not a good look Mr Provest, nine months out from your re-election bid.
Ron Cooper, Kingscliff