Lismore MP Janelle Saffin says that two local grant recipients will use the State funding to support innovative projects which aim to reduce social isolation among older people in the Lismore district and in the Murwillumbah area.
A recent survey of pharmacies across New South Wales highlights the failure of the new regulations intended to make low-nicotine vapes (≤20mg/mL nicotine) available without a prescription as Schedule 3 medicines.
Parliamentarians, including many members of the crossbench, have joined community sector leaders in calling on the parliament to raise the rate of income support.
The letters deadline for The Echo is noon Friday. Letters longer than 200 words may be cut. The publication of letters is at the discretion of the letters editor.
Those who thought President Donald Trump could not be any worse than President Joe Biden on the Gaza issue had a rude awakening yesterday after his surreal press conference at the White House with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The plan to rezone part of Broken Head’s Linnaeus Estate in a bid to prevent further development proposals on the site has taken a step forward, with Byron councillors unanimously supporting the move.
Byron Shire Council Mayor, Michael Lyon, will attempt to have a large part of the Linnaeus Estate given a new Environmental Living zoning in a bid to prevent further applications for development there.
Former Byron Shire mayor, Simon Richardson, will not be voting on a large eco-resort DA, called the Linnaeus Estate, located in rare littoral rainforest along Broken Head beach frontage.
A locally-based respected ecologist says the developers behind a large exclusive eco village proposal in rare littoral rainforest along Broken Head beach frontage are avoiding environmental scrutiny through loopholes.
Recent advice from Tim Robertson, one of Australia’s most senior environmental barristers, is that Byron Council acted illegally when it zoned part of Linnaeus Estate for mixed use development.
Community concern over the current development application (DA: 10.2021.170.1) for Linnaeus Estate in Broken Head has led to detailed analysis of the DA.
Former Greens mayor and NSW MLC Jan Barham has refuted comments by developer Brandon Saul around a ‘fundamental error’ that led to staff applying a zone label change to the Linnaeus Estate.
Bound by nature reserves and a Marine National Park, Linnaeus Estate has been the focus of many court challenges and community activism over the years.
There wasn’t space in other parts of the paper to cover all the important planning decisions that were made last Thursday by our glorious and courageous councillors.
A public meeting to discuss a development proposal, at a gated beachside estate, situated between Byron Bay and Lennox Head will be held at the Broken Head Community Hall on Sunday March 1, from 4pm.
Things are getting scary for koalas as their habitat is reduced daily, but communities are getting together to monitor local koala populations for the purpose of conservation.
Those who thought President Donald Trump could not be any worse than President Joe Biden on the Gaza issue had a rude awakening yesterday after his surreal press conference at the White House with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The closure of an educational program for at-risk Aboriginal youth in the region is being suggested as one reason behind the recent jump in crime in the Northern Rivers.