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Byron Shire
May 8, 2024

Councillor indulging Men’s Shed minority

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Lorraine Cobcroft, Pottsville. 

Reece Byrnes should not be indulging a vocal minority who have no genuine interest in the welfare of senior men and are ignoring the safety, security and access issues presented by putting a semi-industrial facility for senior men on an isolated sports field.

Why isn’t Mr Byrnes supporting a demand that the Men’s Shed pursue the correct process for securing a suitable site by applying to Crown Lands as per the recommendations of the Australian Men’s Shed Association, Crown Lands and the Council’s General Manager?

The Men’s Shed has created the site problem. Why? Many members want to apply for a more suitable site. Why is the committee barring any effort to do what is in the best interests of the men, the community and the environment? Why is the community not being told that the Men’s Shed has never applied for a site in the correct manner?

It simply isn’t true to say there is no other site available for a Men’s Shed. There may well be a far superior option, if only the PADMS committee would stop obstructing and show respect for the community and those men who recognize the deficiencies of the Black Rocks site and the potential of other potential sites.

Council is considering two possible options. Most Shedders wanted a more central location that facilitates social integration and community inclusion.

Mr Byrnes needs to hold off and support a demand that the PADMS make proper application for a Crown Land site and wait for the outcome of Council’s investigations before jumping to baseless conclusions that there are no other sites. And it’s time the community learned the truth about the issue. We all support the Men’s Shed, but the Black Rocks site is the wrong place for it, and it’s not in the interests of men, the community or the koalas to allow them to use that site.


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  1. What a load of codswallop!!!!!

    Come to the rally the community are holding next weekend, we will show you what a minority looks like!!!

    This woman lives across from the oval and has no idea what she is talking about. Self entered greed right there!!!!

  2. Lorraine,
    We are a sporting nation. Bradman is one of out greatest heroes.
    To put a Men’s Shed on an empty sportsfield where no one plays sport is slightly ironic do’t you think?

  3. Firstly, Renae Davis, I DO NOT live cross from the oval, and I DO know what I’m talking about. My husband is a Men’s Shed member, and a group of members concerned at the conduct of the committee and the poor choice of site convened meetings in my house.

    My husband wrote to Crown Lands and Council and was copied on replies to the Men’s Shed Committee (which the President denied receiving) ADVISING THEM how to apply to Crown Lands for a site UNDER THE MOU with AMSA.. I spoke to Crown Lands who said they would bend over backwards to oblige. I have a document which verifies they will reply within 4 weeks.

    AMSA strongly warns Men’s Sheds NOT to go through Council, but to apply to Crown Lands in the format recommended on AMSA’s website, under the terms of the MOU between AMSA and the State Government. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE. Not only has it not been done, but the committee has BANNED any discussion that might facilitate it. Sorry, but this SMELLS BADLY. What is the committee’s real motive?

    In 2014, only ONE member of the Shed wanted the Black Rocks site. That member has persisted in falsely claiming there are no other sites. Not true! He said Barry Sheppard Oval was too far away. It’s close to 80% of members than Black Rocks – and far more suitable from a safety and security perspective. Crown Lands have urged an application for a central site near the preschool – which was always the best option and the preference of the majority of Shed members – but the Committee refuses to permit application to proceed.

    The SELFISH people are those who are using the Men’s Shed as a Trojan Horse to keep the sports ground open. It should NOT be used that way. The Men’s welfare should be the priority concern.

    For the record, I support keeping the sports ground open – FOR SPORT. Not for a misplaced industrial-like facility where lonely men are being pushed out of the community and put at risk.

  4. No matter how often you publish half truths or total lies they will never be the truth. The fact is that Lorriane has nothing better to do with her time and is just looking for some sort of fulfilment by imposing her will upon others as she has done or tried to do many times in the past. She is out of the loop and does not have any recent knowledge to back up her ever more repeated rhetoric. The crown land that she repeatedly referred to will take YEARS to get approval and even if it was made available today the Men’s Shed cannot and probably will never be able to afford to build there .The fact is that the Men’s Shed needs a new location NOW Lorraine, the previous council knew that and approved the Black Rocks site, get over it, you knew that the sports field was there when you bought your house so live with it.

  5. Oh my here we go again. The mens shed supporters cannot answer any questions logically. They only have insults and accusations to hurl at koala conservationists.
    The fact that this issue is causing division is reason enough to put the damn men’s shed somewhere else. Why WON’T they go somewhere else Renae, Andrew & Co? Why WON’T they apply to Crown Lands for a permanent site? See – they have no answer. Well I can tell you. Because the President Michael Ryan lives on the estate and he doesn’t have a car. Having his HQ down the road where he can ride his pushbike is awfully convenient. It is also a very isolated location where people cannot easily see what is going on. What are they hiding? Why can’t they be in town so men who need to be included can get there even if they don’t drive or are on a wheelchair?
    Can’t answer that one eh, Renae?


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