16.6 C
Byron Shire
June 16, 2024

A long story

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Self-defence explained

For those still confused, killing 38,000 unarmed civilians, a third of which were children, would not be self-defence, (however...

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Byron’s No Bones welcomes new head chef Bianca Palmer

No Bones Byron Bay is excited to announce the arrival of their new head chef, Bianca Palmer, saying her ‘extensive culinary background and passion for plant-based cuisine are set to bring a fresh wave of innovation to our restaurant.

Assange doco to screen in Byron

Julian Assange’s US extradition appeal is a significant event in the world’s history of democracy but he’s been in jail so long some have probably missed the memo.

Submissions open for federal insurance hike inquiry 

Submissions are now open for the Select Committee on the Impact of Climate Risk on Insurance Premiums. 

Self-defence explained

For those still confused, killing 38,000 unarmed civilians, a third of which were children, would not be self-defence, (however...

Interview with Nicki Parrott

After three decades of touring and performing in the US, Europe and Japan, acclaimed jazz musician Nicki Parrott is making a triumphant return to her homeland, bringing with her a new album Feelin’ Groovy – that pays homage to the iconic sounds of the sixties and draws inspiration from the carefree lifestyle of her new home in the Byron Shire.

Jagun Alliance – rebuilding Indigenous knowledge

Sustainability is intrinsic to Aboriginal cultural frameworks, all ways of being, knowing and doing. It’s about being in the right relationship with Country, and all the endemic species being in the right relationships, in the kinship Country for Country, Jagun.

I see that Israel supporters take exception to the expression ‘from the river to the sea’ as meaning that all Jews should be wiped out. I thought the next line was ‘shall be free’ but I could be wrong.*

Of course the older expression that applies in this context is ‘wiped off the map’. That could be achieved bloodlessly by simply changing Israel’s name to ‘Palestine’, then emphasising that all within those borders are equal. Will never happen of course!

Any Israeli leader who proposed it would be at risk of assassination by ultra-orthodox extremists; it’s happened before.

Of course there are those who argue that ‘Palestine’ is a made-up name, and doesn’t really exist. That would have to mean that that word ‘Philistine’ as it occurs in the Old Testament, would be made up too. Oh yes, if the Oxford Dictionary (and website for that matter) says that the two names are historically connected then that’s where I’d put my money. Apparently the Jews and Palestinians were at each other’s throats in southern Israel since well before Jesus.

The Palestinians/Philistines are thought to be non-semitic migrants from Crete or Cyprus, but then the Jews in truth came from Egypt (and incidentally wiped out the Cannanites, who weren’t worshipping the correct gods). And those who call themselves ‘Australians’ came from elsewhere too, right?

Fast Buck$, Coorabell

*Ed: it’s ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’.

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  1. Nobody seems to challenge the chants from West Bank settlers about “from the Nile to the Euphrates” (the concept of a greater Israel) and it seems represented on the flag by 2 blue lines, little alone” burn the arabs” etc. hypocrisy?

  2. Once an antisemite always an antisemite. Why oh wise one should Israel change it’s name?, why not Palestine?, I know why, because it doesn’t fit the lefty green socialist twisted ideology, yes avante dollars?… .. .


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