7.1 C
Byron Shire
June 17, 2024

Surfing on the spectrum – free fun for everyone at Lennox and Byron this Sunday

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Free surfing classes for kids with autism. Photo supplied

Ocean Heroes will be giving children who are on the autism spectrum the chance to experience what it is like to be in the ocean on a surfboard this Saturday at Lennox Head and Sunday in Byron Bay from 10am–2pm. 

‘People living with autism face unique challenges that can make it difficult for them to develop self-confidence and make genuine connections,’ say Ocean Heros. 

Free surfing classes for kids with autism. Photo supplied

‘Learning to surf offers a fun, healthy, and unique way for people on the autism spectrum to develop their confidence, boost self-esteem and make connections with others.’

The surf event is open to all ages and abilities this Saturday 25 at Lennox Head and Sunday, 26 May, at Main Beach, Byron Bay, in front of the Surf Lifesaving Club (SLSC). Places are limited to 50, and bookings are essential via www.oceanheroes.com.au

Free surfing classes for kids with autism. Photo supplied

Ocean Heroes are offering free 45-minute sessions to local community members on the spectrum of all ages. It is compulsory for each attendee to wear a life jacket in the water. Surfboards, wetsuits, lifejackets and surf instructors are all supplied.

Ocean Heros started in Western Australia and has recently started providing access to the ocean via their program in NSW. This will be the first time they will provide free surfing for kids on the spectrum here in Byron Shire. 

Free surfing classes for kids with autism. Photo supplied

‘All children deserve the opportunity to learn social skills, bond with others, and figure out what works for them,’ say Ocean Heroes. 

‘We provide a unique opportunity for people on the autism spectrum to take part in organised sport backed by a highly supported, safe and inclusive environment.’ 

To book a 45 minute slot to surf click here. Bring your swimmers, a towel, hat, water-bottle, sunscreen and a change of warm clothes. 

For any questions not answered on the website, contact Sam on 0431 930 284.

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