After reading so many letters and articles referring to atrocities over these months and years, inflicted by man upon men, women, and children, (I don’t watch television – that’s too perverse for me), thousands mercilessly killed, (an extraordinary percentage being actually women and children), maimed bodies, legs and arms lost, spinal and brain injuries in those that survived, millions of people displaced. Horror.
It sickens me and makes me so sad, and so I think it should. But another emotion is also aroused and that is anger, ire, at what sort of human beings are they that are carrying out these attacks and bombings and causing such suffering in this the 21st century, right in front of our eyes, in front of the so-called civilised world?
And I wonder where the hell are all the leaders of the powerful nations of this world while this is all happening? And what the f**k are they doing to stop it? And they do have the power to stop it. What a travesty.
How can these countries get away with it in this world of instant media coverage? Killing like there’s no tomorrow and no one to answer to, but there always is, isn’t there? Because what is done is never forgotten.
Are governments such as the United States, the United Kingdom and the United Nations so impotent that they can’t stop the massacres? Or are they really so callous that they stand by and not only do nothing but provide money, weapons, and bombs to continue this madness?
Maybe I’m naive? Maybe someone could explain? Is it really actually true that we the majority, the 99 per cent of this world who do not want war, who do not want to suffer, and who do not want others to suffer either, are powerless to a one per cent of so-called authority figures? Leaders – sociopaths and psychopaths – who are the true terrorists of our world that mostly sit dressed in suits and ties behind desks, that we let turn this beautiful paradise into a living hell for so many.
And I read so many letters and informed opinions about who is at fault, about who is to blame. What about we are all to blame and that we are all responsible for giving up our power and allowing the despots of the world to rule instead of taking charge ourselves. I think that it’s time for a ‘United Front’ of the world’s good people to stand up and say, ‘No more. Not in our names. Not for us you arseholes and madmen. Step aside, there must be a better way to do things’.
Or are they just us in different bodies and maybe we too, given enough power, would also be corrupted and claim we are doing good by doing bad? Such is one of the insanities of we humans I’d say. We hold onto our grudges, our resentment, our hate and our racism and we project anger onto others and wonder why they are so aggressive.
So what are we? Descendants of alpha-male-led gorillas and chimpanzees or of sharing and cooperative bonobos, amongst which females are honoured and respected, and dominant and overbearing males are quickly put in their place often by having their penises bitten off. I think that it is up to us which we choose to be, after all, we are not apes, we are human beings and we are meant to have free will.
I guess it depends on what we do with it. Do we serve fear, greed, and selfishness or do we serve love?
A bloody good letter. Says a lot that many are thinking. Ruled by psychopaths is true from my understanding. I have met very few people with power and empathy.
You only have to hear the their cries for children to be locked up.
I agree with all you’ve written.
And, like many others I’m sure, my mind is silenced into blankness by the complexity and inhumanity of the systems that we humans have created. I have no idea what to do, other than to create as much peace as I can, inside myself and outside in how I act.
This doesn’t seem enough.