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Byron Shire
May 14, 2024

An insult, Poppa

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Public housing forum/doco May 16

A documentary exploring the devastating impacts of losing one’s home owing to the privatisation and demolition of public housing assets will be screened May 16 at the Palace Cinema.

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Flooding again

I live in Bottlebrush Crescent in Suffolk Park. In 2022 our houses were flooded due to heavy rain and,...

From gumboot throwing to a gnome known as Costa

Permaculture is the foundation of the 30th anniversary weekend celebrations at the Djanbung Gardens over the weekend of May 25-26. 

Saffin welcomes Neighbourhood Centre Week

NSW Labor Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin has welcomed today’s start to Neighbourhood Centre Week across the country.

Protests take aim at Labor’s coal and gas project approvals

Local Federal Labor MP, Justine Elliot, has labelled those who protested at her Tweed office last week as Greens members, and claimed it was ‘just another cheap political stunt’.

Teenage crime

National service would help eliminate most of the problem and simultaneously bolster the defence force manpower. Peter Walters, Ballina

Student HECS debt to be cut, say federal Labor

Two new major initiatives to support current and former higher education students have been announced by the federal Labor government.

From what I can understand, Poppa Veet Mayo’s letter seems to imply that this latest COVID scare is a government conspiracy (yes, another one).

To suggest that COVID is a myth is a direct insult to families of the million people who have died as a result of this terrible disease and the health professionals who watch people die every day. Perhaps Poppa might be happier with Trump’s American response, or Brazil’s, or Turkey’s, or India’s? They are all run by extreme right-wing COVID deniers who prioritise profit over people and whose countries account for around 85 per cent of deaths.

This sort of thinking is dangerous. It is ideological, never fact driven, and believed by a lot of people. You can throw in anti-vaxxers, 5G freaks, and anti-fluoride campaigners with Poppa. A lot of people believe this shit simply because someone, without qualifications, has told them so. Or they find it on their 4G- or 5G-enabled computers. The gullibility is astounding.

This is extreme right-wing thinking loved by Trump and his cohort and it needs to be stopped.

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  1. Or to suggest there is a pandemic that requires draconian fascist lock-downs, silly masks and coerced jabs is an insult to autonomous minds and non-zombies.

    Whatever ‘extreme right-wing thinking’ might be….. it’s looking increasingly like ‘it’ has gone mainstream. Never has the Left been more Right…. ask Stalin.

  2. Well Richard you seem precious especially the concept of fascist lockdowns- really I don’t see anything like HongKong or Myanmar type suppression here. I think your attitude is selfish and you perhaps need to respect everybody’s right to stay healthy. And by the way I haven’t seen any brain eating zombies around but your autonomous mind means?

  3. Well observed, Rod. I also find it curious to see the frequent references to fascists, brown shirts and 1939 from the “scamdemic” crew. There also exists some popular subterranean Holocaust denialism. I can’t see by what criterion this conspiracy is rejected but the covid 19 stuff so heartily embraced. Don’t we have to reject all mainstream thinking?

  4. Conspiracy theorists and COVID-deniers are well represented by one who told me that the vaccine (they weren’t even cognisant of its name, let alone that there were more than one) wasn’t a “real vaccine”. When I challenged that person and asked for a definition of “vaccine” I was given only a blank stare in response. (Truth is there is no tight definition of vaccine in dictionaries or medical texts; it’s a very loose term.)
    I next asked for the person’s sources. “Doctors,” I was told.
    Which doctors? Who are they? What are their qualifications.
    When I checked the names given, it turned out that one was a doctor of philosophy, one a doctor of theology, and one a doctor of geology. Not a medical qualification among them.
    COVID-19 is real, the vaccines are real (if not yet perfected).
    Conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers deserve to fall victim to their own determined ignorance, especially when they proselytise.

  5. According to Wikipedia:” The word “vaccine” was created by Edward Jenner. The word comes from the Latin word vacca, meaning cow. A virus that mainly affects cows (Cowpox) was used in the first scientific demonstration that giving a person one virus could protect against a related and more dangerous one.”

    This is the account I have always heard as well as the story that the idea came from the observation that “milkmaids”, were not falling prey to the horrible smallpox virus. It further states: “The immunization was called vaccination because it was derived from a virus affecting cows (Latin: vacca ‘cow’). Smallpox was a contagious and deadly disease, causing the deaths of 20–60% of infected adults and over 80% of infected children.” While Wikipedia isn’t a source I’d rely on absolutely I think we can be fairly confident that the horrible disease smallpox, that killed many and disfigured many more has basically been eliminated thanks to science.

    No, there was no big Pharma then and, luckily, no electronic social media. Otherwise the outcome may have been jeopardised by some falling prey to conspiracies about plots to make the world start chewing grass and mooing.

  6. The narrative tipping point will come when the fear of foolishness is greater than the fear of death.
    The gilded generation the boomers, those who should show leadership, knew no hardship became docile and lost courage.
    What is real …. fear and Psyop.

  7. Have you resorted to personal abuse, or colourful language? I’m sure any well reasoned, worthwhile contribution to the discussion would get through.

  8. editor is captive dependent, nothing unwarranted in comment posted 23 April (four days ago).

    ~ ~ ~

    As an annual visitor to India since many years I can confirm that Delhi cough has long ago replaced Delhi belly. Air pollution in April/May is on the wow scale and the heat weakens.
    PCR tests are phoney, the noise is propaganda.


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