18.2 C
Byron Shire
May 9, 2024

Get up close to native wildlife this weekend

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Protests aim at Labor’s coal/gas project approvals

Local Federal Labor MP, Justine Elliot, has labelled those who protested at her Tweed office last week as Greens members, and claimed it was ‘just another cheap political stunt’.

Other News

German Film Festival

Palace Cinemas are delighted to present the 2024 HSBC German Film Festival in collaboration with German Films. The 2024 line-up features many superb offerings including six films direct from the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale), a selection of the best new German cinema and exciting new films for budding cinephiles in the Kino for Kids side bar, presented by the Goethe-Institut.

Ballina Council delays Sharpes Beach redevelopment

At the eleventh hour, Ballina Shire Council has voted to press pause on the controversial Sharpes Beach car park redevelopment, and seek further options.

Mandy Nolan’s Soapbox: Behind the Velvet Rope

Some people get to experience life differently to the rest of us. We go out of our way to make sure things are better for them. These people tend to be super wealthy and privileged so they probably don’t need the extra curation. I wondered why we do this. I wondered what life must be like when it’s made slightly better than everyone else’s experience. When you belong to those eight seats at the front of the plane with champagne and clean toilets while the rest of us wait patiently for tea and water. Behind the velvet rope.

Record unfair – big fine for sign

Local small business operator, Matthew Bowden, aka the Vinyl Junkie, says he is shocked at a $1,500 Council fine after placing signage on the corner of Ewingsdale Road to direct record lovers to his recent Easter record fair at Ewingsdale Hall.

Interview with Sean Turnell and Ma Thida ahead of their May event for Byron Writers Festival

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Reflections yet to reply on court orders update

Long-standing court orders placed upon NSW government-run corporation Reflections, appear to be not fulfilled.

Fans of our fury and feathered friends are invited to the Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary this Saturday for a Family Fun day.

The day promises to be way off the cuteness scale, kicking off with a kids wildlife watercolour class at 9am for 4 to 12-year-olds. Think life drawing with koalas and roos as the models.

Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is hosting an open day this weekend. Image supplied.

Tickets are $50 per person and are available from the sanctuary’s website or via the Facebook page.

The Wildlife Twins will then be presenting inside the sanctuary from 11am with their Wildlife show that includes four-legged celebrity Barty the wombat.

This will be followed by a fundraising BBQ from 12–1.30 raising money to help renovate the sanctuary’s reptile house.

The Sanctuary is home to more than 100 Australian wildlife animals, including kangaroos, a fabulous array of birds and reptiles including snakes and crocodiles, plus resident personalities Manda the wombat and Arnie the koala.

The sanctuary has bunnies and guinea pigs and a Chick House with lots of baby chicks that can be handled.

There are also a range of wildlife encounters that allow visitors to experience the animals up close.

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