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Byron Shire
June 17, 2024

New doco explores ‘God molecule’ found in toads

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From Dean Jefferys’ new doco: The Toad The Whale And The Sun. PIC supplied

Are you ready to explore the secrets of the universe through the use of the most powerful psychedelic known to humankind?

And what role do whales and the sun have in humans’ evolution away from conflict and fear?

Psychonaut Dean Jefferys has laboured for the last eight years on his new documentary, The Toad, The Whale, And The Sun, and is to screen the world premiere at the Byron Bay Community Centre on May 31 from 5pm, with another screening directly after at 8pm.

Mr Jefferys has combined two passions, the first being his long association exploring spirituality through mind-altering substances including numerous visits to the Amazon over the past 32 years to learn about and experience the shamanic ayahuasca ceremony.

He released his doco, Shamans of the Amazon, 25 years ago.

He’s also an avid sailor who sails his Migaloo 2 yacht to raise awareness of whaling and marine conservation through activism.

And the sun?

Mr Jefferys says ‘we wouldn’t be here without it. It channels energies from the galaxy, and reflects them to Earth and gives us energetic upgrades’.

His new doco explores his vision of psychedelic toads, whales and the sun offering insights to humanity in what he says is a ‘critical time of a quantum shift in consciousness’.

‘God molecule’ can be made in a lab

Tampering with one’s slim grip on the physical realm has its dangers – as with all psychedelics – and Mr Jefferys is quick to point out that the psychedelic toad ceremony is not a path for everyone.

5 MeO-DMT is regarded as the ‘God molecule’, and comes from glands of the Sonoran desert toad in Mexico, called Bufo alvarius.

Mr Jefferys says 5 MeO-DMT is also made in a laboratory, with many choosing the synthetic version so as to ‘take the pressure off the toad’.

‘It’s a close cousin of the cane toad’, Mr Jefferys says of the Bufo alvarius.

‘It’s been described as 100 times stronger than ayahuasca’, he says, ‘and is known to break down the illusion of the ego’.

‘It’s not like N,N-DMT from the ayahuasca brew. 5 MeO-DMT doesn’t have strong psychedelic visuals, or pretty patterns. Instead, you dissolve completely into creation’.

‘Some describe the experience like being fired out of a cannon into the heart of God’.

Not like kambo

Mr Jefferys says if people fight the experience, resistance can be problematic.

‘Having a trusted and experienced facilitator with this ceremony is essential,’ he says.

The toad ceremony isn’t like kambo, he says, with kambo being the practice of burning poisonous secretions from the Amazonian tree frog into the skin.

‘Instead, the toad’s glands are squeezed, like popping a pimple, and when the secretion is smoked, it’s non-toxic, and quickly and easily absorbed,’ he says.

‘The toad is massaged and not harmed in the milking process, whereas kambo frogs are often distressed while collecting secretions for kambo ceremonies.’

‘The experience is completely different from kambo. It is not a body cleanse experience, but more of a spiritual cleanse’, he says.

Experienced facilitator essential

Mr Jefferys says there is no proven evidence of any shamanic lineage of the ceremonial use of Bufo alvarius in ancient or modern times.

‘With this medicine, there is no issue with cultural appropriation like with ayahuasca or kambo,’ he says.

‘Yet this comes with its own problems, as there are no shamans to learn from, or to explain how to use the toad sacrament safely.

‘This is one reason I made this film, to point out potential dangers, and share my eight years of experience with the toad sacrament.’

Mr Jefferys says while the toad ceremony is still underground in some countries, elsewhere, such as Mexico, the toad secretion and the African shrub iboga are being used to treat heavy drug addictions and depression, with very positive results.

‘Also, there are clinical trials underway in the US with 5 MeO-DMT. Like all psychedelics, they are demonised at first in the West’, he says.

The Toads The Whales and the Sun have showed me that we don’t need to buy into fear and a separation spiral,’ Mr Jefferys says,’ we can choose to do the work, look into our own shadow, opt out of the capitalist system, and become empowered, sovereign, loving human beings.’

The film is scheduled to screen in Nimbin in June, with the doco to soon be available online.

For more info visit www.toadwhalesun.com.

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  1. “…It is not a body cleanse experience, but more of a spiritual cleanse’, he says.”

    Ah, so if you die from it, your body won’t die; you’ll only die spiritually?

    Oh dear. Pass me the joint, ffs!

  2. What would happen if U put 1 of these toads in the Hedron particle smasher???would it collide with the Higgs Bosen particle and bring on the end of all…or would there be mass enlightenment and the Aquarian age finally dawns……just asking

  3. Reminder: Always have a trained first aider (and a defib) on stand-by.
    And I also don’t see what Billy C. has to do with it, Sue.


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