The blue green algae alert at Lake Ainsworth, Lennox Head will remain at amber.
Most recent testing ‘results are at the no alert level’ however, ‘ the alert will remain at Amber until two consecutive lower results have been recorded,’ according to a press release from the Ballina Shire Council (BSC).
Swimming allowed
There are currently no restrictions on the recreational use of Lake Ainsworth though users are advised to obey all signage erected by Council. Slicks and scums should be avoided when present as they are areas of concentrated algae and may present a health risk.
Test results
The amber level alert is triggered when Microcystis aeruginosa concentrations are between 5000 and 50,000 cells/mL or the biovolume of all cyanobacteria is between 0.4 and 4mm3/L. At this alert level investigations into the causes and increased sampling of algae should be undertaken.
At the most recent testing the total cyanophyta biovolume results were: sites 1 & 2 = <0.01mm3/L and sites 3 & 4 = <0.01mm3/L. Toxic Cyanophyta biovolume results were: sites 1 & 2 = <0.01mm3/L and sites 3 & 4 = Not Detected. There was no Microcystis aeruginosa detected.
Ballina Shire Council ‘will continue to monitor weekly, however care should be taken to avoid any slicks or scums should they develop’.