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Byron Shire
February 6, 2025
Home Tags Belongil Creek

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Indigenous crime prevention program scrapped

The closure of an educational program for at-risk Aboriginal youth in the region is being suggested as one reason behind the recent jump in crime in the Northern Rivers.

Other News

Vehicle stolen from Ballina in pursuit near Kempsey

A man and woman have been charged over alleged property and driving offences following a pursuit near Kempsey on Wednesday, January 28.

Backlash for Backlash

It’s about time Backlash stopped hiding in anonymity, even though editor Hans Lovejoy accepted responsibility for it last week...

Crossbench and community sector leaders urge parliament to raise income support

Parliamentarians, including many members of the crossbench, have joined community sector leaders in calling on the parliament to raise the rate of income support.

Lengthy letters

I’d like to completely endorse Peter Walters’ missive re letter length. This has been an issue with The Echo for...

Nature on a leash

For the local naturist community, the removal of the clothing-optional beach at Tyagarah has been devastating. The sense of...

Powerful results from joining quantum computing and AI

Researchers have used quantum physics and machine learning to quickly and accurately understand a mound of data – a technique, they say, could help extract meaning from gargantuan datasets.

Stories about "Belongil Creek":

How does your toilet flush affect the Belongil Estuary?

Byron Shire Council are looking to overcome waterlogging of farmland, caused by treated effluent from the Byron Sewage Treatment Plant, by diverting excess effluent via a shorter route to the Belongil Estuary. This appears to be a prelude to upgrading the STP.

West Byron – wetland or suburb?

Turning the West Byron housing development site into a wetland for excess effluent from the Byron Bay Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is a possible solution to its increased output, says Greens MP Tamara Smith and Byron Shire councillor Cate Coorey.

Future of the Belongil and the stealthy increase in sewage capacity

Many of Byron Bay’s problems involve water and are closely connected, whether acid sulfate fish kills, or stormwater flooding in the central business district (CBD), or management of the sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent.

Institutional forgetting

David Pont, Indonesia Council’s plan to shorten the route of excess treated effluent to the Belongil carries serious implications. Let’s dig down by looking at the...

Rezoning of solar train rail corridor

A request to rezone the rail corridor between Bayshore Drive and Lawson Street, Byron Bay, so the Byron Bay Railroad Company (solar train) can undertake track maintenance is up before councillors at this Thursday’s planning meeting, August 13.

Protocols, process, and system failures

In the lagoon, the pace of winter life during the long dry seems pretty settled. The growth of small estuarine prawns slows down. Bream now five years old are grown up, itching for saltwater and their winter spawn.

Draft Belongil Creek entrance opening strategy on exhibition

As part of the ongoing management of the Belongil Creek estuary and catchment, Council has developed a long-term strategy for the estuary opening.

Is turning up dead the only way to get a voice?

Byron Shire Council (BSC) staff used the phrase ‘natural event’ to describe the recent fish kill that saw thousands of fish die in Belongil Creek. How natural was it?

Did iron bacteria cause fish kill in Belongil Creek?

Following the recent large fish kill and pollution in Belongil Creek, Byron Council staff say the NSW EPA test results ‘confirm that iron bacteria was present in the estuary water’.

What caused Belongil Creek fish kill?

Mystery surrounds a large fish kill event following unknown pollution entering Belongil Creek early last week. A local resident says he 'hasn't seen anything like it in 21 years'.

Alarm raised over possible Varroa mite infestation

Tyagarah residents are alarmed at what they believe to be Varroa mite infested hives in the nature reserve.

Truth warriors of the fifth estate to the rescue

Before the revolution in 1789, France was divided into three estates. The first estate, the clergy, held great sway over society and the power to levy a ten per cent tax – the tithe…

Ban the banner

Flags on stands and banners are waving more and more. Outside cafes, food stands, shops, and pub owners seem to be adding some kind...

Backlash for Backlash

It’s about time Backlash stopped hiding in anonymity, even though editor Hans Lovejoy accepted responsibility for it last week when it copped criticism for...