The people occupying buyback houses in Lismore were able to come together with the NSW Reconstruction Authority on Friday to talk about potential ways to move forward following the RAs attempt to disconnect water to some of the premises.
Electoral reform legislation to cap political donations passed the Senate last week, with many crossbenchers expressing their fury at the process and the major parties claiming the moral high ground as they joined forces.
Yesterday the NSW Planning Panel unanimously rejected Gemlife’s proposal for a major 'seniors living' development on a flood prone site on Burns Point Ferry Road, West Ballina.
A 'legacy' floodplain development on the tidal estuary of Cobaki Creek, known to have recent koala sightings, was approved in 1996 and is now being cleared.
Buckle in Mullum, councillors bulldozed ahead at last Thursday’s meeting to ‘note’ a concept plan to develop the disused, and very valuable, rail corridor.
With the NSW Liberal-Nationals government still allowing developments on floodplains, NSW Labor candidate Andrew Broadley told The Echo ‘Labor would not allow new housing for anyone to be developed in the floodplain’.
Break out the bubbly – Mayor Michael Lyon was effusive on social media after his ‘win’ over getting an agreement with the state government to finally do something with the disused rail corridor in Mullum.
Executive Council staff have refused to answer key questions around a large amount of soil that was dumped on Marshalls Creek floodplain in The Pocket recently, which is believed to be stockpiled for Council infrastructure projects.
Parts of New South Wales are being inundated for the third time in four months as yet more record-breaking rain causes flooding to Sydney and beyond. Add to this the March 2021 floods and it’s the fourth time in two years that some people have watched parts of their homes go under water.
Have you ever heard of Latham’s snipe? Better still, have you ever seen one? These secretive, well camouflaged, medium-sized wading birds grace us with their presence here in Byron Shire between August and February.