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15.5 C
Byron Shire
May 16, 2024

Rights to protest

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In reply to Clarence Properties. Peter Fahey is incorrect when he calls protests at Wallum illegal and criminal. Protests are not illegal.

The Knitting Nannas recently took the state government to the High Court to contest its draconian anti-protest laws. The Nannas won… the anti-protest laws were found to be unconstitutional.

If Mr Fahey is so concerned about people obeying, if not the letter of the law, at least the spirit of the law, he should obey the EPBC laws and self-report as required under the legislation, the endangered species his development threatens to extinguish.

Also there are human rights laws protecting First Nations peoples from being prevented from having access to Country and carrying out their cultural and customary practices.

Truth be told at the minimum Mr Fahey is recklessly pursuing the destruction of valuable wetlands and placing homes on a floodplain and has not got social licence to do so… Non sans droit has standing in the law in every courthouse in the country which declares Dieu et mon droit on the shield behind every judge for good reason. Civil society.

Rosie Lee, Byron Bay

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  1. The Wallum protests may not be illegal however they are morally bankrupt and a blight upon any normal fair minded citizen. The approval process was followed and approved, just because a loud noisy uninformed crowd don’t agree means nothing to the majority, all it does is reinforce their resolve to have this development proceed and be completed.


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