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Byron Shire
May 3, 2024

Wallum update: protectors at the ready

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The fight to save the Wallum heathland in Brunswick Heads has gone into overdrive, with dozens of locals staunchly holding the line on-site, while thousands more lobby state and federal politicians in pursuit of permanent protection.

With the developer Clarence Property seemingly resolute in its determination to turn the site into a 124-lot housing development, the Save Wallum community has established a 24-hour bush camp at the site to ensure that the bulldozers and slashers don’t roll in unnoticed.

Ready to participate in NVDA

Should the developer move in, text messages declaring a ‘red alert’ will immediately be sent to hundreds of people across the region who have indicated they are ready to participate in non-violent direct action to preserve the site.

Those on the frontline, including a number in tree sits, are supported by dozens more providing food, supplies, moral support and updates.

‘The real focus right now is the boots on the ground,’ said James Barrie, one of the leaders of the Save Wallum community.

‘That is the very thing that will allow us to continue working in other areas to obtain permanent protection.’

‘They could bring machinery in at any time, which would be a breach of the Environmental Protection, Biodiversity and Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) protection process which is still underway. So the Wallum protectors are there to make sure they can’t start slashing which would be an illegal action.’

As those residing at or visiting the bush camp take part in art projects, guided nature walks and musical performances, a group of security guards hired by the developer sit less than 200m away on the other side of the fence.

The firm chosen is the same as that currently providing security for the pod village at Bayside. 

‘They’re walking up and down, preventing people from entering the fenced area,’ Mr Barrie said.

Mixed response from security 

‘There’s a mixed response from security so far. Some have been allowing supplies to get in, some haven’t.’

Meanwhile, thousands of people across the region are demanding action at the state and federal level to protect the site.

More than 1,000 emails have been sent to NSW Planning Minister Paul Scully and Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek demanding action.

In particular, they are calling for the development to be ‘called in’ under the Commonwealth’s EPBC, and for it to be the subject of an Interim Heritage Order on the grounds of cultural and environmental significance.

‘Those 1,000 emails were the outcome of a campaign led by [NSW Upper House MP] Sue Higginson – our group hasn’t even put a call out on that one yet,’ Mr Barrie said.

A Change.org petition calling for state and federal involvement has also been launched, with around 6,000 having signed at the time of writing.

Growing base 

The campaign’s financial base is also growing, with nearly $16,000 raised via GoFundMe as of Monday afternoon, toward a target of $50,000. The growing war chest is part of a recognition that the fight to save Wallum is likely to be a marathon rather than a sprint.

‘This is a campaign to Save Wallum, but it’s also a fight to raise awareness about zombie DAs and to set a precedent so that this kind of thing doesn’t happen somewhere else,’ Mr Barrie said.

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  1. what a waste of time, energy and resources.

    spend this energy to protest against big oil companies, this site will be flooded by the end of the century anyway as a result of climate change.

  2. Oh dear
    Those protesters haven’t got a clue what they’re doing or where they are. Their guided walks are trespassing on private land and they are trashing the land that they’re supposed to be protecting.
    The bayside community is sick of the extra traffic, people and noise.
    Certain councillors with an eye on raising their profile for the up coming elections are trying to raise their profiles by jumping on this bandwagon and being very irresponsible.
    Social media has a lot to answer for, it seems that critical thinking and common sense have disappeared along with the truth and of course everyone is an expert these days.
    I have and will be writing to the appropriate ministers pointing out the exaggeration and misinformation in the save Wallum campaign.

    • Oh Well, It is good to see that you’re ” an expert these days.”
      It is a little difficult to see your point of view that ” the extra traffic, people and noise.” will be remedied by clear felling and urban development.
      Strange, G”)

    • Your view is contested by the biodiversity that continues to occur in that area. You see ‘land’. Others see flowers, reptiles, substantial trees and shrubs, butterflies, birds and mammals…..some which are critically endangered species on the verge of extinction…all that evolved on that ‘land’ and nearby over the course of millions of years. Fortunately, it’s potential devastation is being held back the large numbers of conscious people who agree in its absolute right to exist. Critical thinking is not your strength.

  3. Jill , thank you for focusing on some truth and common sense, a very rare phenomenon these days. I often wonder where these eco warriors would be if something important like fire or flood were to strike in the green wonderland, I guess they would not be found, too busy hiding behind the real people, the normal majority.

    • I suppose you’d call RFS volunteer Greg Mullins an eco warrior likely to be hiding behind the real people? From the smh 2019: “ Australia could have been better prepared for the current bushfire crisis facing multiple states if the federal government had heeded warnings from emergency leaders as early as April, former Fire & Rescue NSW Commissioner Greg Mullins says.

      “ Speaking on the ABC’s Radio National program on Thursday morning, Mr Mullins said he wrote to Prime Minister Scott Morrison in April and again ‘immediately after’ the May election, warning him of the coming bushfire season and requesting an urgent meeting to discuss funding for firefighting and action to address climate change.”

      Or check out australianfirefightersclimatealliance.org. Are they just a bunch of eco warriors too? Few of the real people on the ground when disasters hit are questioning the climate science. Just a few diehard blowhards keep waving the flag.

  4. I think that this protest is misguided and will come to nothing. The time to argue the issue was years ago when it was all being decided, where were you all then? It was covered by the Echo including the street layout, everything! It’s all too late now and the council would be throwing money away on a lost cause if it went to court. The area being developed is tiny. Just the cleared grassy area in the middle of the aerial photo published last week. All the bush on both sides of the creek and to the south and west will stay the same. No frogs are in danger of dying out, that’s a lie.

  5. Totally agree Brefney. Absolute fear mongering. Anyone who has lived here long enough knows that this land that has so called endangered species on it has been continually slashed for about 15+ years. How did these fragile and endangered species survive under such a regime? Either;
    1. They didn’t. In that case, what are we worried about?
    2. They did. In that case, what are we worried about?

    Out of control alarmism and a waste of taxpayers and rate payers resources.

    Only in Byron.

    • “Out of control alarmism and a waste of taxpayers and ratepayers resources.” is a specialty of The Greens.

      They need publicity for the forthcoming council election.

      Just to remind up who adult they are!

  6. I did not refer to the real people that are firefighters, volunteer or paid. I refer to the rainbow coloured haired anaemic tree sitters with so many piercings they must have fallen face first into a fishing tackle box, you know the one’s that protest as a profession, have no idea what they are protesting about. I have and always will have deep respect for the people of the SES, Fire Brigades that save lives. I fear the likes of Greg Mullins and his associates only exacerbate the potential fire risks with their alarmism and extreme rhetoric.

    • And the whole lot from Emergency Leaders for Climate Action – what would they know. How many centuries of experience in emergency response would that group have eh?

      But they’re OK are they, even if they totally disagree with your position on climate science? Just so long as they don’t have a piercing or rainbow hair? The Knitting Nannas are headed there as well. Are they “real people” or tree sitters?

    • You’re the one who knows better than the eminent group of retired fire chiefs, the CSIRO, the BOM and climate scientists around the globe.I wouldn’t be calling others know-alls!


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